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Luton Borough Council

Advice to businesses

If you import food commercially there is a whole range of regulations that you need to be aware of.

Some are specific to certain foods, others apply more generally across the board. It is important that you, as an importer, understand that it is your responsibility to ensure that food you import into the UK from outside the European Union (EU), complies with relevant EU and UK hygiene and safety laws. 

You must consider your suppliers. Are they reliable and honest? You will need to have contact details for them. If you import foods into the UK then you are responsible for ensuring it fully complies with UK and EU laws.

A range of controls exist for products of animal origin imported from outside the EU to protect both public and animal health. Products of animal origin from outside the EU can only be brought into the UK if imported through a designated Border Inspection Post (BIP) accompanied by specific documentation to prove that it has come from an approved establishment in an approved country, and marked with a traceable approval number.

You can find detailed guidance on importing food on the Food Standards Agency’s website

Frequently asked questions about issues you will need to consider before you import can be found at  FSA Importing food for commercial use FAQ

If you wish to import food of animal origin (meat, poultry, fish, dairy products, eggs, honey) from outside the EU then you must also contact the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs  (DEFRA) for advice.  


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